
2021 urtea

  1. Aguado, I., Echebarria, C., Barrutia, J. M. (2021): Airbnb: ¿economía colaborativa o nuevo modelo de negocio? Evidencia empírica reciente desde una ciudad de tamaño medio como Bilbao. Investigaciones Geográficas, 76, 97-118.

  2. Alayo, M., Iturralde, T., and Maseda, A. (2021). Innovation and internationalization in family SMEs: analyzing the role of family involvement. European Journal of Innovation Management, 25(2), 454-478.

  3. Alayo, M., Maseda, A., Iturralde, T., and Aparicio, G. (2021). Mapping Family Firm Internationalization Research: Bibliometric and Literature Review. Review of Managerial Science, 15, 1517–1560.

  4. Amiano, I., San-Jose, L. & Gutierrez-Goiria, J. (2021). La Valoración de Empresas en la Economía Social. Valor Social Esperado del Museo de la Minería del País Vasco. CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 101, 33-56.

  5. Apaolaza, V., Paredes, M.R., Hartmann, P., & D’Souza, C. (2021). How does restaurant’s symbolic design affect photo-posting on instagram? The moderating role of community commitment and coolness. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 30(1), 21-37.

  6. Aparicio, G., Hidalgo, E, Casillas, J.C and Iturralde, T. (2021). Family business research in the last decade. A bibliometric review. European Journal of Family Business, 11(1), 33- 44.

  7. Aparicio, G., Iturralde, T. and Rodríguez, A.V. (2021). Developments in the knowledge-based economy research field: a bibliometric literature review. Management Review Quarterly.

  8. Aparicio, G., Iturralde, T., Maseda, A. (2021). A holistic bibliometric overview of the student engagement research field. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 45, 540-557.

  9. Bande, B., Kimura, T., Fernández-Ferrín, P., & Jaramillo, F. (2021). Capability management control and salesperson turnover: A double-edged sword in a product complexity scenario. Industrial Marketing Management, 96, 100-112.

  10. Barrutia, J. M., Echebarria, C. (2021). Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on public managers’ attitudes toward digital transformation. Technology in Society, 67, 101776.

  11. Barrutia, J. M., Echebarria, C. (2021). Harnessing social interaction and intellectual capital in intergovernmental networks. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 23(3), 639-665.

  12. Barrutia, J. M., Echebarria, C. (2021). Public managers’ attitudes towards networks: different motivations, different attitudes. Public Management Review, 23(7), 1006-1031.

  13. Bengoa, A., Maseda, A., Iturralde, Tx., Aparicio, G. (2021). A bibliometric review of the technology transfer literature. Journal of Technology Transfer, 46, 1541-1550.

  14. Castro-González, S., Bande, B., & Fernández-Ferrín, P. (2021). Influence of companies´ credibility and trust in corporate social responsibility aspects of consumer food products: The moderating intervention of consumer integrity. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 28, 129-141.

  15. Cearra J, Saiz-Santos M., Barrutia J. (2021). An Empiric Experience Implementing a Methodology to Improve the Entrepreneurial Support System: Creating Social Value Through Collaboration and Co-creation. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:728387.

  16. Cearra, J., Saiz, M. (2021). Experimenting a methodology to improve the entrepreneurial ecosystem through collaboration and digitalization. Journal of Small Business Strategy, 31(1), 51-65.

  17. Cowton, C., & San-Jose, L. (2021). Settling debts in the supply chain: do prompt payment codes make a difference? A UK study. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, 15(2), 153-168.

  18. D’Souza, C., Apaolaza, V., Hartmann, P., & Brouwer, A. R. (2021). Marketing for sustainability: Travellers’ intentions to stay in green hotels. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 27(2), 187-202.

  19. D’Souza, C., Taghian, M., Apaolaza, V., Hartmann, P., Brouwer, A., & Chowdhury, B. (2021). Consumer Self-Confidence in Green Foods: An Investigation of the Role of Ecolabels Using the Theory of Planned Behavior and Market Segmentation. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing, 1-31.

  20. D’Souza, C., Apaolaza, V., Hartmann, P., Brouwer, A. R., & Nguyen, N. (2021). Consumer acceptance of irradiated food and information disclosure–A retail imperative. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 63, 102699.

  21. Echebarria, C., Barrutia, J. M., Aguado, I. (2021). The Smart City Journey: A Systematic Review and Future Research Agenda. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 34(2), 159-201.

  22. Eletxigerra A., Barrutia, J. M., Echebarria, C. (2021). Tourist expertise and pretravel value co-creation: Task-related processes and beyond. Tourism Management Perspectives 37, 100772.

  23. Eletxigerra, A., Barrutia, J. M., Echebarria, C. (2021). Expanding the Task-Dominant Value Co-creation Narrative: The Role of Consumer Expertise and Social and Mental Processes. Journal of Travel Research, 61(5), 1061-1087.

  24. Fernández, P., Hartmann, P., & Apaolaza, V. (2021). What drives CSR communication effectiveness on social media? A process-based theoretical framework and research agenda. International Journal of Advertising, 1-29.

  25. Fernández‐Ferrín, P., Castro‐González, S., & Bande, B. (2021). Corporate social responsibility, emotions, and consumer loyalty in the food retail context: Exploring the moderating effect of regional identity. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 28(2), 648-666.

  26. Gisbert-Trejo, N., Albizu, E., Landeta, J., Fernández-Ferrín, P. (2021). Mentoring programs implementation. Differences between group and individual mentoring. Development & Learning in Organizations. Ed. Emerald Group Publishing. ISSN: 0967- 0734.

  27. Gonzalo, J.F., San-Jose, L. y Retolaza, J.L. (2021). Moral Compliance as facilitator for ethical reflection in management: catalysts and situation. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 32(9-10), 1106-1121.

  28. Hartmann, P., Fernández, P., Apaolaza, V., Eisend, M., & D’Souza, C. (2021). Explaining viral CSR message propagation in social media: The role of normative influences. Journal of Business Ethics, 173(2), 365-385.

  29. Hernando-Saratxaga, G., Izagirre-Olaizola, J., Aguirre-García, M.S. (2021). Integración del cuidado de la salud en Euskadi: estudio cualitativo y diagnóstico del proceso de implementación de Osakidetza-Sistema Vasco de Salud. Management Letters / Cuadernos de Gestión, 21(1), 61-73.

  30. Izagirre-Olaizola, J., Hernando-Saratxaga, G., Aguirre-García, M.S. (2021). Integration of health care in the Basque Country during COVID-19: the importance of an integrated care management approach in times of emergency. Primary Health Care Research & Development, 22, E39.

  31. Kastenholz, E., Fernández-Ferrín, P., & Rodrigues, Á. (2021). Nostalgia, Sensations and Local Products in Rural Tourism Experiences in a Portuguese Schist Village. European Countryside, 13(3), 599-621.

  32. Lage, O., Saiz-Santos, M. (2021). Blockchain and the decentralisation of the cybersecurity industry. DYNA, 96(3), 239.

  33. Lavía, C., Otero, B., Albizu, E., Olazaran, M. (2021). Exploring the Intensity of Relationships with Vocational Education Centres: A Typology of Spanish SMEs. Sustainability, 13(16), 9287.

  34. Maseda, A., Iturralde, T., Coopers, S. & Aparicio, G. (2021). Mapping women’s involvement in family firms: a review based on bibliographic coupling analysis. International Journal of Management Review, 24(2), 279-305.

  35. Mendizabal, X. & García-Merino, J. D. (2021). Social value measurement in basketball clubs: is it possible?. CIRIEC-España, revista de economía pública, social y cooperativa, 101, 57-83.

  36. Paredes, M. R., Apaolaza, V., Fernandez-Robin, C., Hartmann, P., & Yañez-Martinez, D. (2021). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on subjective mental well-being: The interplay of perceived threat, future anxiety and resilience. Personality and Individual Differences, 170, 110455.

  37. Paredes, M. R., Apaolaza, V., Marcos, A., & Hartmann, P. (2021). Predicting COVID-19 Vaccination Intention: The Roles of Institutional Trust, Perceived Vaccine Safety, and Interdependent Self-Construal. Health Communication, 1-12.

  38. Retolaza, J.L. & San-Jose, L. (2021). Understanding Social Accounting Based on Evidence. Sage Open, 11(2), 21582440211003865.

  39. San-Jose, L. & Retolaza, J.L. (2021). The value of the PhD Degree in Management Science. SN Business & Economics, 1, 45.

  40. San-Jose, L., Retolaza, J.L. & Bernal, R. (2021). Social Value Added Index: a proposal for analyzing hospital efficiency. Gaceta Sanitaria 35(1), 21-27.

  41. Santos‐Larrazabal, J., & Basterretxea, I. (2021). Intercooperation, flexicurity and their impact on workers: The case of Fagor Electrodomésticos. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics.

  42. Signori, S.; San-Jose, L., Retolaza, J.L. & Rusconi, G. (2021). Stakeholder Value Creation: Comparing ESG and Value Added in European Companies. Sustainability, 13(3), 1392.

  43. Urionabarrenetxea, S., Fernández-Sainz, A., & García-Merino, J. D. (2021). Team diversity and performance in management students: Towards an integrated model. The International Journal of Management Education, 19(2), 100478.

Bestelako argitalpenak aldizkarietan

  1. Mendizabal Zubeldia, A., Olasolo Sogorb, A., Zubia Zubiaurre, M., Blanco Mendialdua, A. (2021). Credit Risk Elements for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: The Case of Spain. International Journal of Economics and Business Administration; Volume IX, Issue 2, 192-220.

  2. Retolaza, J.L. & San-Jose, L. (2021). La Contabilidad para los Stakeholders (Stakeholder Accounting). ACCID

  3. San Martín-Albizuri, N. & Rodríguez-Castellanos, A. (2021). Relevancia de China en las finanzas mundiales. Revista Ola Financiera 14(38), 155-171.

  4. Zorrilla, P. (2021). A competitive agenda for urban commerce in post-Coles, Covid briefs Builiding Back Better: Post-pandemic City Governance.

Liburuen / liburuetako kapituluetako argitalpenak

  1. Fernández-Ferrín, P., Galán-Ladero, M., Calvo-Turrientes, A., Castro- González, S. (2021). El Comercio Justo en Euskadi. Comportamientos y motivaciones de compra. Ed. Medicusmundi Álava-Araba. ISBN: 978-84-09-28921-9.

  2. Fernández, P., Hartmann, P., Apaolaza, V., & D’Souza, C. (2021). Empowering Claims in CSR Tweets: The Moderating Role of Emotion, Fit and Credibility. In Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. XI) (pp. 321-335). Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden.

  3. Lage O., Saiz-Santos M., Zarzuelo J.M. (2022) The Value and Applications of Blockchain Technology in Business: A Systematic Review of Real Use Cases. In: Prieto J., Partida A., Leitão P., Pinto A. (eds) Blockchain and Applications. BLOCKCHAIN 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 320. Springer, Cham.

  4. Mediano, L., Periáñez, I. (2021). La actividad turística en el País Vasco en 2019. En Fraiz, J.A., y Araujo, N. (Ed.), La actividad turística española en 2019. Edición 2020 (pp.245- 253). Síntesis.

  5. San-Jose, L., Retolaza, J.L. & Liederkeke, L. (Editors). Ethic in Finance Handbook. Springer (SPI: Q1)

  6. Valmaseda, O., Merchán, C.,Fernández, M. (2021). Percepción pública de la ciencia y la innovación empresarial: un análisis exploratorio. En Rey-Rocha, J., y López-Navarro, I. (Ed.), Cultura científica y empresa: percepciones y actitudes del sector empresarial hacia la ciencia, la tecnología y la innovación en España, en los albores del siglo XXI. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.