Current staff

Dr. Aitor Larraņaga
Position: Assistant Lecturer
Phone:+34 946018454
Links: Google Scholar, CV, Research Gate

Research interests

My main interest is describing the impacts of human activities in stream communities, taking into account a wide range of approaches, from laboratory experiments to field observational and manipulative works. I focus on linking the traditional gap between the ecotoxicological-biochemical methodologies and the ecosystemic-biogeochemical approximations. I have been involved in projects that deal with the effects of exotic plantations, water nutrient enrichment, water acidification, water diversion or pollution coming from waste water treatment plants, integrating physiological-to-community level approaches.

Teaching duties at the university

Physical Geography, Ecology, Limnology, Land Management, Master in Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning and Management (courses on GIS and on Land-Water links in freshwater ecosystems)

Teaching duties outside the university

I give courses about the R environment in UEU ( and COBE (
