Alberto Ansuategi
Catedrático de Universidad

Curriculum Vitae

Facultad de Economía y Empresa
Avda. Lehendakari Agirre 83
48015 Bilbao

Tel : +34-94-601 3824
Fax: +34-94-601 3799

Areas de Interés
Economía Ambiental y de los Recursos Naturales



Alberto Ansuategi


Todos los materiales docentes se encuentran disponibles en eGela, la plataforma de docencia virtual de la UPV/EHU, a la que sólo tienen acceso los alumnos matriculados.

Artículos publicados

A. Ansuategi y I. Barredo (2023), "Payment by Resuts and Structural Reforms in the Post-27 Cohesion Policy Framework", Ekonomiaz 103,  312-317.

J.A. Perdomo-Calvo, J. Arteche y A. Ansuategi (2022), "Returns to Scale and Technical Efficiency in Colombian Coffee Production: Implications for Colombia's Agricultural and Land Policies ", Studies in Agricultural Economics 124 (3), 104-112 .doi:10.7896/j.2370

A. Silvestri, S. Foudi, I. Galarraga y A. Ansuategi (2021), "The Contribution of Car-Sharing to Low Carbon Mobility: Complementarity and Substitution with Other Modes", Research in Transportation Economics 85. doi:10.1016/j.retrec.2020.100968

A. Ansuategi (2020), "Sostenibilidad de la Economía Vasca tras la Gran Recesión: Balance y Principales Retos", Ekonomiaz, XXXV Aniversario: La Huella de la Gran Recesión en Euskadi: Impactos y Retos de País.

M.V. Roman de Lara, I. Arto, A. Ansuategi e I. Galarraga (2020), "The Economic Implications of Tied Aid and Local Content Requirements for Climate Finance ", Climate Change Economics 11. doi:10.1142/S2010007820500025

I. Carmona, A. Ansuategi, J. M. Chamorro, M. Escapa, M.C. Gallastegui, A. Murillas y R. Prellezo (2020), "Measuring the Value of Ecosystem-Based Fishery Management using Financial Portfolio Theory", Ecological Economics 169. doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2019.106431

A. Ansuategi, L. Orea, I. Galarraga y T. Standfuss (2019), "Analysis of Cost-Effectiveness in the Provision of Air Navigation Services at Functional Air Blocks", Competition and Regulation in Network Industries. doi: 10.1177/1783591719870096. . doi: 10.1177/1783591719870096.

A. Ansuategi, D. Knowler, T. Schwoerer y S. García-Martínez (2019), "Local Fishing Communities and Nature-Based Tourism in Baja, México: An Inter-Sectoral Valuation of Environmental Inputs", Environmental and Resource Economics 74, 33-52. doi: 10.1007/s10640-018-00308-05.33-52. doi: 10.1007/s10640-018-00308-05.

M. V. Román de Lara, I. Arto y A. Ansuategi (2019),“International Trade and the Distribution of Economy-Wide Benefits from the Disbursement of Climate Finance'', Climate and Development 11 (8), 639-654. doi: 10.1080/17565529.2018.1521330.. doi: 10.1080/17565529.2018.1521330.

A. Ansuategi (2018), "El debate de los límites", La Maleta de Portbou 32, 30-35. , 30-35.

M.V. Román de Lara, I. Arto y A. Ansuategi (2018), “Why Do Some Economies Benefit More from Climate Finance than Others: A Case Study on North-to-South Financial Flows”, Economic Systems Research 30 (1), 37-60 . doi: 10.1080/09535314.2017.1334629. doi: 10.1080/09535314.2017.1334629.

M. González-Eguino, I. Capellán-Pérez, I. Arto, A. Ansuategi y A. Markandya (2017), "Industrial and Terrestrial Carbon Leakage under Climate Policy Fragmentation ", Climate Policy 17, S148-S169.

A. Ansuategi y S. Marsiglio (2017), "Is Environmental Protection Beneficial for the Environment?", Review of Development Economics 21 (3), 786-802  doi:10.1111/rode.12267.

S. Marsiglio, A. Ansuategi y C. Gallastegui (2016), "The Environmental Kuznets Curve and the Structural Change Hypothesis", Environmental and Resource Economics 63 (2), 265-288..

J. Fernández Macho, A. Murillas, A. Ansuategi, M. Escapa, C. Gallastegui, P. González, R. Prellezo and J. Virto (2015), "Measuring the Maritime Economy: Spain in the European Atlantic Arc ", Marine Policy 60, 49-61. , 49-61.

A. Ansuategi, M. Escapa, I. Galarraga y M. González-Eguino (2014), "Impacto Económico de la Eco-Innovación en Euskadi: Una Aproximación Cuantitativa", Ekonomiaz 86, 253-279. , 253-279.

I. Galarraga, L.M. Abadie y A. Ansuategi (2013), "Efficiency, Effectiveness and Implementation Feasibility of Energy Efficiency Rebates: The "Renove" Plan in Spain ", Energy Economics 40, S98-S107. 40S98-S107

M. Gonzalez-Eguino, I. Galarraga y A. Ansuategi (2012), "The Future of Old-Industrial Regions in a Carbon-Constrained World", Climate Policy 12 (2), 164-186. 164-186.

A. Ansuategi e I. Galarraga (2009), "Carbon Pricing as an Effective Instrument of Climate Policy: Searching for an Optimal Policy Instrument", Rivista di Politica Economica, 147-169., 147-169.

I. Arto, M.C. Gallastegui y A. Ansuategi (2009), "Accounting for Early Action in the European Union Emission Trading Scheme", Energy Policy 37, 3194-3924.[pdf]37194-3924.[]

A. Murillas, R. Prellezo, E. Garmendia, M. Escapa, M.C. Gallastegui y A. Ansuategi (2008), "Multidimensional and intertemporal sustainability assessment: A case study of the Basque trawl fisheries", Fisheries Research 91, 222-238. [pdf] 91. pdf

A. Ansuategi, M. Escapa y M. Termansen (2006), " Las Áreas Marinas Protegidas como Instrumento de Política Ambiental", Cuadernos Económicos ICE 71, 93-113. [pdf] , 93-113. [pdf

A. Ansuategi y M. Escapa (2004), "Is International Cooperation on Climate Change Good for the Environment?", Economics Bulletin 17, 1-11.[pdf] , 1-11.[pdf

A. Ansuategi e I. Arto (2004), "La Evolución de la Intensidad Energética de la Industria Vasca entre 1982 y 2001: Un Análisis de Descomposición", Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales 4 (7), 63-91. (7), 63-91.

A. Ansuategi (2003), "Economic Growth and Transboundary Pollution in Europe: An Empirical Analysis", Environmental and Resource Economics 26, pp. 305-328.[pdf]26pdf

A. Ansuategi y M. Escapa (2002), "Economic Growth and Greenhouse Gas Emissions", Ecological Economics 40, pp. 23-37.[pdf]40 pp. 23-37.[]

A. Ansuategi y C. Perrings (2000), "Transboundary Externalities in the Environmental Transition Hypothesis", Environmental and Resource Economics 17 (4), pp. 353-373.[pdf]17(4), pp. 353-373.[]

C. Perrings y A. Ansuategi (2000), "Sustainability, Growth and Development", Journal of Economic Studies 27 (1-2), pp. 19-54.[pdf]27pdf

A. Ansuategi (1995), "Bioaniztasuna eta Jabego Eskubideak", Uztaro 15, pp. 3-15. , pp. 3-15.


A. Ansuategi, J. Delgado e I. Galarraga (2015), "Green Energy and Efficiency: An Economic Perspective ", Springer. ISBN:978-3-319-03631-1.

Capítulos en Libros

A. Ansuategi (2018), "La Financiación de las Políticas de Mitigación y Adaptación al Cambio Climático", en K. Sodude y G. Molina (eds), "Gobernanza para un Sistema Energético Sostenible", Servicio Editorial de la UPV/EHU (ISBN: 978-84-9082-900-4).
A. Ansuategi (2018), "La Financiación de las Políticas de Mitigación y Adaptación al Cambio Climático", en K. Sodude y G. Molina (eds), "Gobernanza para un Sistema Energético Sostenible", Servicio Editorial de la UPV/EHU (ISBN: 978-84-9082-900-4).

M.V. Román, A. Ansuategi y A. Markandya (2017), “Climate Finance and International Climate Policy”, in A. Markandya, I. Galarraga and D. Rübbelke (eds), “Climate Finance: Theory and Practice”, World Scientific (ISBN: 978-981-4641-80-7).

M.C. Gallastegui, M. Escapa y A. Ansuategi (2015), "Green Energy, Efficiency and Climate Change: An Economic Perspective", en A. Ansuategi, J. Delgado e I.Galarraga (eds), "Green Energy and Efficiency: An Economic Perspective", Springer.

A. Ansuategi (2014), "Climate Change and the Energy Sector: Impacts and Adaptation", en A. Markandya, I. Galarraga and E. Saenz de Murieta, "Handbook of Economics of Adaptation", Routledge,UK.

M. C. Gallastegui, A. Ansuategi, M. Escapa and S. Abdullah (2011), "Economic Growth, Energy Consumption and Climate Policy ", en Galarraga, I., González M. and Markandya A.(eds) "Handbook of Sustainable Energy ", Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK.

A. Ansuategi (2010), "A Discussion of "Distribution and Climate Change Policies" by C.A. Grainger and C. Kolstad", en Cerdá, E. and Labandeira X. (eds) "Climate Change Policies: Global Challenges and Future Prospects", Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK.

A. Ansuategi (2001), "A Critical Assessment of the Environmental Transition Hypothesis" en "Progress in International Economics" editado por A. Tavidze, Nova Science Publishers, New York.

A. Ansuategi, E. Barbier y C. Perrings (1998), "The Environmental Kuznets Curve",en "Modelling Sustainable Development: Theory and Empirical Evidence" editado por J.C.J.M. van den Bergh y M. Hofkes, Kluwer, Amsterdam.

Reseñas de Libros

A. Ansuategi (2000),“The Regional Impacts of Climate Change: An Assessment of Vulnerability- A Special Report of the IPCC Working Group III ”editado por J.P. Bruce, H. Lee y E. F. Haytes, Environment and Development Economics 5 (3), pp. 336-337.
A. Ansuategi (2000),“The Regional Impacts of Climate Change: An Assessment of Vulnerability- A Special Report of the IPCC Working Group III ”editado por J.P. Bruce, H. Lee y E. F. Haytes, Environment and Development Economics 5 (3), pp. 336-337.

A. Ansuategi (1997),“International Trade and the Montreal Protocol ” de D. Brack, International Journal of Environmental Studies 53 (1-2),pp. 149-152.53

A. Ansuategi (1997), “Climate Change 1995: Economic and Social Dimension of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group III to the Second Assessment Report of the IPCC ”,editado por J.P. Bruce, H. Lee y E. F. Haytes, Environment and Development Economics 2 (2), pp. 226-229. (2), pp. 226-229.

A. Ansuategi (1996),“Global Change and Mediterranean-Type Ecosystems ”
editado por J.M. Moreno y W.C. Oeche, Biodiversity and Conservation 10, pp. 1453-1455.
editado por J.M. Moreno y W.C. Oeche, 10

Números Editados en Revistas

M.C. Gallastegui y A. Ansuategi (2002), “Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales: Nuevas Aportaciones”, Ekonomiaz, número 49.




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